Erik DeGregorio
Chairman, CLU, ChFC, CFP, CASL, MSFS
Direct: 603-458-7011
Erik has been President of The PenFacs Group since 2007. He has developed and fostered national relationships with broker dealers, registered investment advisors, law firms, accountancy firms, and family home offices. He is directly responsible for planning, design, and execution of life, disability, and long-term care insurance solutions for high net worth clients. This includes an independent evaluation of the appropriate insurance carriers given the optimal product and health issues. Erik speaks across the United States on the benefits of specifically designed insurance strategies for business, estate, family dynamics, retirement, and charitable situations. The audiences have included clients, advisors, attorneys, and accountants. Beyond work, Erik spends time with his wife, Debbie of twenty plus years, and three children, Matthew, Nathan, and Meghan. He may be found on occasion, attempting to take a little money from friends on the golf course.